Children Binocular Vision

All children are born with the potential for good eyesight, but VISION (the ability to identify, interpret and understand what is seen) is learned and developed, starting from birth. The critical period of vision development is from birth to 9 years old.
In learning to walk, a child begins by creeping, crawling, standing, walking with assistance, and finally walking unaided. A similar learning process takes place in the development of good visual skills.
Visual skills build on one another, step by step, as children grow. Efficient and good visual skills are important for learning, working, and even sports. Missing a step will lead to deficiency in visual skills, which may adversely affect academic performance.
At Central Eye Care, we take vision development very seriously whenever we see children. We recommend a yearly comprehensive eye exam at age 3, and a baseline binocular vision assessment at age 5.
Binocular Vision Assessment
At Central Eye Care, our binocular vision assessment for children includes the following skills:
Accommodation. The strength, flexibility, and accuracy of the eye focusing system. Deficits in accommodation will result in blurry vision during near work, blurry vision when transitioning from near to distance tasks (such as copying notes from the board in school), and eye strain or fatigue.
Fusion. The ability to use both eyes together. Fusional deficit will either cause double vision or the brain to suppress (or ignore) one of the eyes which may lead to a lazy eye. This can happen 100% of the time or intermittently, depending on the cause of fusion deficit.
Tracking. The accuracy for both eyes to fixate on and follow objects accurately. Poor tracking skills may lead to problems when reading.
Vergence. The ability of both eyes to work and move together as a team. Inefficient vergence may cause double vision or suppression of one eye, and it may affect to ability to achieve high level depth perception.
Visual training
After a comprehensive eye examination and a binocular vision assessment, we may prescribe visual training to improve, enhance, or remedy any visual skills that are deemed inadequate.
At Central Eye Care, our visual training will involve a combination of one on one training with our staff and also computer visual training exercises. This combination is proven to be more efficient in improving any deficient visual skills.
If you find your child to have any of the symptoms listed below, please contact our office for an assessment. Remember, the critical age to improve visual skills is before 9 years old.
Signs of Vision Difficulty:
Holding a book very close.
The head moves back and forth while reading, instead of the eyes.
Finger is used to trace sentences in book to avoid skipping words or lines.
Complaints of blurred, or double vision.
Complaints of headaches.
Short attention span when reading, or quickly fatigued.
Homework takes much longer than it should.